(granny was a buffalo) jamies homepage
Home Page


remember non of the stuff on this website is offensive hhaaaaaaaaaaaa
if ya want to chat or say how ya think da website is going E-MAIL me on kingjamie4n@hotmail.com
about me!
this bit is about me.
i live on afarm in newcastle.
i have 4 cars a golf 2 morgans and a freelander.
i am abit naffed of at da moment coz i just had me quad niked.
i have a brother that is called niky and he is 9.

i luv loud music fast cars and fast bikes just remindin ya all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

film review
fredy got fingerd is a very funny film but all adults say it was a major flop THATS COZ IT DOUSNT HAVE MUCH OF A STORY LINE BUT I THINK THAT A THAT DOUSNT MATTER AS LONG AS IT IS IT FUNNY.


i dont now wot this picture is it was here allresdy its not to arty farty so i decided to keep it
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